
an inclusive and diverse safe space for makers of interesting sounds, livecode, noise, software, visuals, and more.

No ads, no tracking, and no tolerance for hate and discrimination.

livecode clunky, fishkid, laptop

Hello everyone.Just another human loving the process of creating music here on earth. Nothing special,using popular software with possibly unpopular techniques. New to it all really. Used hardware sequencers and clunky samplers for yeeeeaaaars. Kicking myself for not using a laptop sooner. Anyway, I go by the dubious name FishkiD. I'll post something for you all to listen (if you want). This seems like a good place for sharing my music. Peace and light, Bob

sound bandcamp, synths

edit: Update 11/29/23 this sample library is now free/pay what you want on bandcamp. codes aren't necessary. new here. had a restless night. been awake for an hour. ugh. so, saying hi and throwing some download codes for one of my sample libraries into this post as a means of introduction. the library is 1800 one shots created on a modular and other synths but mostly modular. it's been out for a while but is still under the radar so if you use any of it it's likely no one will identify this. more details at the bandcamp page.

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